ردیف |
عنوان کنگره |
عنوان خلاصه مقاله |
مشخصات انتشار |
ایندکس |
53rd ESPN Annual Meeting, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 2021 |
Predictors of Renal Outcome In Children With Anca Associated Vasculitis: Results of The Erknet/Espn/Ipna Survey |
Pediatric Nephrology (2021) 36:3285–3491 |
Pubmed ISI Scopus IF= 3.652 |
53rd ESPN Annual Meeting, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 2021 |
Early Childhood Height-Adjusted Total Kidney Volume As A Risk Marker of Kidney Survival in Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease (Arpkd) |
Pediatric Nephrology (2021) 36:3285–3491 |
Pubmed ISI Scopus IF= 3.652 |
53rd ESPN Annual Meeting, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 2021 |
Hypertensive Crisis As A Presentation of Covid-19 in ChildreN |
Pediatric Nephrology (2021) 36:3285–3491 |
Pubmed ISI Scopus IF= 3.652 |
53rd ESPN Annual Meeting, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 2021 |
Pediatric Nephrology (2021) 36:3285–3491 |
Pubmed ISI Scopus IF= 3.652 |
52. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Pädiatrische Nephrologie (GPN) 30. September – 2. Oktober 2021, digital |
Körperlängenadjustiertes |
Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankheiten, Jahrgang 50, Nr. 9/2021, S. 353–399 |
Other |
7th International Nephrology congress | April 24, 2020 | Prague, Czech Republic |
Annals of Clinical Nephrology |
Other |